Questions about shopping

Our system is designed to fulfill orders quickly to make sure you receive them as soon as possible. This means that once an order is placed, we cannot cancel it, modify any of the items purchased, or change the shipping or billing address.
If your order was partially fulfilled, it means that one or more of the items were not shipped with the rest of your order due to them being out of stock. Once the order left our warehouse, a refund was issued for the item(s).

You should see the refund within 10 business days of it being processed. Please note that this may take longer depending on your financial institution.
If you’re getting an error message related to your billing address, please make sure that the address entered matches exactly with the one linked to your credit card.

If you’re getting an error message regarding our $750 limit, please make sure that your order does not exceed $750 after taxes and discounts, or that you have not placed more than 4 orders (including any failed orders) within the last 24 hours. Please reach out to our Customer Care Team here if you have additional questions.

Please note that you cannot place an order of $0 online. If you’re trying to redeem your Frequent SteeperTM rewards and receive free shipping, you must do so with a purchase.
When ordering online, our loose leaf tea is typically packaged in separate 1.76 oz bags. So, as an example, if you ordered 7 oz of tea, you’d receive 4x 1.76 oz bags.

We’ve started offering some teas in 3.5 oz and 8.8 oz bags and are continually finding new ways to improve our packaging. Stay tuned!
Please refer to our Returns and Exchanges page for details.
You can reach out to our Customer Care Team here.
For these answers and more, see our Shipping Information page.
The problem might be your browser—we don’t support Internet Explorer 7 or earlier versions. Try upgrading your browser to Chrome or Firefox:

Additionally, you can clear your browser cookies and cache, which should solve any issues you are experiencing.
On our US site, we accept:
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • Visa Debit
  • Apple Pay
  • PayPal
  • DAVIDsTEA gift cards
  1. After you’ve added your items to the cart, select “Checkout” and enter your delivery information.
  2. In the “Payment Method” section, select the “Gift Card” option.
  3. Enter your gift card number (19- to 21-digit number located at the back of your card, under the scratch-off area) in the “Card number” field.
  4. Click “Redeem.”

If your card doesn’t cover the full amount, you can pay the remainder with another gift card (up to 3 gift cards per order), with an accepted credit card or through PayPal.

Please note that your gift card cannot be redeemed by adding the number to the “Apply promo code” box at checkout.
Check your gift card balance quickly and easily on our “Gift Card” page by clicking on “Check my balance.”
We’re sorry to see you go! Unsubscribing from our newsletter is easy—simply click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of any one of our emails. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Care Team, and they’ll be able to help you out!
Oh no! Here are some tips and tricks that might help you out:
  • Make sure that you have an online account created at You may have an account which you created in-store, but still haven’t registered online. To sign up for an online account, please visit our Registration page. Do not worry, if you use the same email you used in store, your accounts will be linked!
  • Make sure you are using the correct email address and password. If you do not remember your password, use the “Forgot Password” link on the login page. If you do not receive a reset password email, please make sure to check your junk folder.
  • Try not to copy and paste the email and password – this sometimes adds an extra character into the password that you aren’t able to see.
  • If you are still not able to log in, you can contact our Customer Care Team, and they will be able to help you out with your request.
If you’re in the US and want to ship to a Canadian address, you can visit our Canadian site ( to place your order, and still use your US billing address. Note that your order will be processed in Canadian dollars if your order ships to a Canadian address.
If your order was returned to sender, it is most likely due to an incomplete address, leaving the shipping carriers unable to deliver to your doorstep.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to make sure your order gets to you successfully:
  • Please verify that your address is the one registered with USPS.
  • If you live in a building that requires a unit number, please make sure this is included. Please include your unit number after the street address (e.g., 123 Avenue B Unit 215).
  • If your package is left at your local post office, please retrieve it at your earliest convenience. Most post offices will only hold your package for 5 business days before returning it to sender.

If your package was returned to us, you will receive a refund to your original method of payment within a few weeks of it being returned to our facilities. You will receive a confirmation by email once this refund is processed.
You can purchase a DAVIDsTEA e-gift card by visiting our Gift Card page.

Please note that other gift cards are not valid forms of payment when purchasing a DAVIDsTEA gift card.

If you have any questions about the purchase or status of an e-gift card, please reach out to Buyatab’s Customer Service team by calling 1-844-530-0912 or emailing
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