Frequent Steeper FAQ

No! It’s completely free.
As a Frequent SteeperTM, you’ll earn points to unlock free tea and exclusive perks!
Ready to sign up? Click here! (Psst, it's free!)
You sure can! Click here to find out how. If you don’t have an online account yet, sign up here.

Please note that you cannot place an order of $0 online. If you are trying to redeem your Frequent Steeper™ rewards, and also receive free shipping, you must do so with a purchase.
You earn 1 point for every dollar you spend (before tax) in-store or online at

Just make sure you're signed into your online account when shopping online!
You’ll earn free loose leaf tea! For every 100 Frequent Steeper™ points you earn.

You can select any 1.7 oz loose leaf tea and select matchas*. Unfortunately, our Superfood Powders and bulk formats are excluded.

*Ceremonial Matcha, Organic Ceremonial Matcha and Organic Super Shroom Matcha are excluded.
Once you’ve earned 100 points, your reward will appear in your account within 48 hours. You’ll then have 365 days to redeem your reward.
Your loyalty year starts on the day you made your first purchase as a Frequent Steeper™ — think of it as your Frequent Steeper™ anniversary. Every year, you have a full 12 months starting from your anniversary to earn extra benefits and Super Steeper perks.
It's the VIP tier of our Frequent SteeperTM program!

When you spend $400 (before tax) with your Frequent SteeperTM account in a 12-month period, you're automatically upgraded to Super Steeper status.
Keep being awesome! Once you become a Super Steeper, you automatically get VIP perks for the rest of your loyalty year, plus another 12 months after that — during which you have the chance to lock down your VIP status for the following year. Please note that our Super Steeper program does not work with the calendar year, rather with your Frequent Steeper™ year and anniversary.

For example, if your first Frequent Steeper™ purchase (also known as your Frequent Steeper™ anniversary) is on February 20th and you spend $400 between February 20th and June 5th, you’ll automatically earn Super Steeper perks until February 20th the following year. After that, you have another full year of Super Steeper perks, but if you don’t spend another $400 during those extra 12 months, you will lose your Super Steeper status.
If you did not hit the Super Steeper purchase threshold over the past 12 months, you would have lost your Super Steeper Status. Once you become a Super Steeper, you have 12 months from your Frequent Steeper™ anniversary to lock down your VIP status. If you don’t hit the $400 threshold over the course of that year, you’ll go back to being a regular Frequent Steeper™.

For example, if your first Frequent Steeper™ purchase (also known as your Frequent Steeper™ anniversary) is on February 20th and you spend $400 between February 20th and June 5th, you’ll automatically earn Super Steeper perks until February 20th the following year. After that, you have 12 months to hit the purchase threshold for Super Steeper status, but if you don’t spend another $400 during those 12 months, you’ll go back to being a Frequent Steeper™.
No, only dollars spent count towards Super Steeper status. That said, offers like 2X Frequent Steeper™ points help you earn free loose leaf tea faster!
As long as you’re still steeping, not much changes:
  • You keep all of the points that haven’t been converted into free tea or beverage rewards.
  • You maintain any status you earned during your loyalty year for another 12 months.

If you have not made any purchases for 12 months, all points carried over from earlier years will expire.
If you have not made any purchases or redeemed any rewards for 12 months, your Frequent Steeper™ account will be considered inactive and your points will expire.

Want more info? Here are the nitty-gritty details: Canada’s Consumer Protection Act states that loyalty points may expire if you are inactive for a 12-month period.
  • On January 1st, 2018, new rules came into effect that stop the expiration of reward points based only on the amount of time that has passed since they were earned. The rules are not an all-out ban on expiring points.
  • Your reward points may still expire in some cases, including if:
    • The reward program closes accounts when a member is inactive (i.e., does not earn or redeem any points) for a given period of time, and this is stated in the membership agreement.
    • The reward points cannot be redeemed for any single item over $50.
To activate the account you created in store with one of our Tea Guides, you’ll need to confirm your email address via the email confirmation sent to you after your in-store sign up. If you don’t receive your email confirmation notice within an hour of registering, please check your junk or spam folder to ensure it wasn’t sent there. Alternatively, you can sign up online with the same email you used in store, to ensure you can track your points balance.

Do note that points won’t appear in your account right away! Here’s what you need to know:
  • If you made an online order, your points will appear in your account 48 hours after your order has shipped. If there’s a shipping delay, your points will be delayed too. If you still don’t see your points by the time you receive your order, please contact us.
  • If you shopped in-store, your points will appear in your account 48 hours after your visit.

We want to make sure your account reflects your points balance accurately. If it’s been at least 48 hours since your in-store purchase or since your online order has shipped and you still have questions, please contact us.
Your points only expire after 12 months of inactivity — meaning, no transactions or redemptions.

So, if you don’t make any purchases or redeem any rewards for a year, your points will disappear. But as long as you’re still using your account to make purchases, you are welcome to take your sweet time racking up points towards each reward.
All rewards expire 365 days after they are issued to you.
You can select any 1.7 oz loose leaf tea and select matchas.* Unfortunately, our Superfood Powders and bulk formats are excluded.

*Ceremonial Matcha, Organic Ceremonial Matcha and Organic Super Shroom Matcha are excluded.
Good news! We've switched systems and we now only use your email address for Frequent SteeperTM points both in-store and online.

Now your Frequent SteeperTM card is a fun antique!
Oh, that's a bummer! Luckily, we don't use Frequent SteeperTM cards to collect or redeem points anymore in-store. We just need your email address!

There's no personal information on your card so while it's too bad it's gone, there's no need to worry. Whew!
Do note that points won’t appear in your account right away! Here’s what you need to know:

If you made an online order, your points will appear in your account 48 hours after your order has shipped. If there’s a shipping delay, your points will be delayed too. If you still don’t see your points by the time you receive your order, please contact us.

If you shopped in-store, your points will appear in your account 48 hours after your visit.
Unfortunately, memberships and rewards are non-transferrable and cannot be shared.
If you would like to update your email address, you can do so in the personal information section of your account. You can simply put in the new email address you wish to use, and your password; when you log out of your account, you will be able to sign in with the new email address!

If you are receiving an error when trying to change your email address online, you can contact our Customer Service Team and they will be able to help you out with your request.
If you have tried to change your email address in the personal information section of your account and are not successful, you can contact our Customer Service Team, and they will be able to help you out with your request.
Yes! Tea Guides can access your account in store and view any available rewards you might have. Just hand them your Frequent Steeper™ card or give them your email address, and they’ll look up your account, view your rewards and help you collect that sweet, sweet free tea.
If you were a member at the time of the purchase, then yes! Please wait at least 48 hours after your purchase, then contact us.
We want to make sure your account reflects your points balance accurately. If it’s been at least 48 hours since your in-store purchase or since your online order has shipped and you still have questions, please contact us.
Yes! Just go into your nearest DavidsTea and give the Tea Guide the email address you used to register as a Frequent Steeper™. They’ll be able to access your rewards and help you claim any free beverages or loose tea you’ve earned.
We specifically reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of the Frequent Steeper™ Program upon 30 days' notice and provision of a comparison illustrating the changes. As for withdrawing or terminating the Frequent Steeper™ Program, we specifically reserve the right to do so upon 60 days' notice.
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